Parent Guidance Center

Conroe, TX - 77301

(___) ___-____

Parent Guidance Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Due to the high volume of calls and the fact that we are an unpaid, volunteer organization that provides free services, we cannot accommodate phone calls.

Please contact us via email if you need help or have more questions.  Send your name, phone number where you can be reached day or evening, and the best times to reach you with a brief message that includes the state and county (if Texas) in which your family is having trouble. 

We primarily can only help people with CPS cases in Texas as we are a located in Texas and work with the Texas legislature to correct problems.  We will email or call as soon as possible with limited funding and all volunteer staff.

Parent Guidance Center has become the parent advocacy leader in Texas analyzing whats wrong with the child welfare system, bringing the parent voice to the table, recommending changes to policies and procedures, determining where money should be spent, and opposing negative parent legislation while supporting better legislation for families.  

We attend meetings, participate on committees, participate in round table discussions, train and consult with attorneys, and keep the parent voice in the forefront of high-level strategic discussions about CPS reform.

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